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美国女诗人艾米莉·狄金森在其1700余首诗稿中,以死亡为题材或与死亡相关的诗作多达近六百首,超过其诗作总数的三分之一。这些诗歌从不同角度和层面折射了诗人对死亡的独特理解。诗人于死亡的意境中,向世人展现了其美学追求与生命的价值建构,阐释了生命的终极意义。  相似文献   
生与死是生命中的固有矛盾,也是人生哲学之大题。古代西方先哲苏格拉底以其知、情、言、行昭示着对生与死的诠释。他的神圣之死引发了后人对生与死的不尽思考,激励着我们对美好生活的探寻。  相似文献   
杜甫卒于大历五年,几乎成为了“杜诗学”中的一项定论。文章从三个方面对杜甫的卒年进行了重新考察,不仅认为大历六年的秋天杜甫尚滞留于长沙,而且被历代杜诗研究者称之为“绝笔”的《风疾舟中》一诗的作年,乃在大历六年的秋冬之际。被《研究》一书作者语含讥讽的“则公之卒.大历六年仍嫌稍近,当迁延至大历七年春后矣”云云,其实是一种最接近杜甫卒年历史真实的说法。  相似文献   
当前,我国《史记》研究领域关于项羽死亡的具体地点是“东城”(即东城“四溃山”)还是“乌江”,展开激烈论争。答案当然应该只有一个,不可能二者都是;也不能用所谓的“互文”来调和,说“东城”(即东城“四溃山”)与“乌江”是一个地方。而在《史记》中,司马迁运用互文的写作方式,使二者统一起来。  相似文献   
徐南鹏的诗歌中流消着强烈的时间意识,这种时间意识呈露了他的生命轨迹,并显现了他对自我的探寻、对永恒的向往以及对存在本质与死亡的拷问。  相似文献   
本文运用原型批评理论,对爱伦·坡恐怖小说的代表作《莫雷拉》、《丽姬娅》与《厄舍古屋的崩塌》进行深度解读与研究,探讨了死亡一再生原型情境在坡小说中的发生,同时也揭示了坡小说长盛不衰的深层原因,为坡文学作品的研究带来了新的启示与思考。  相似文献   
In this article, I will examine a difficult subject in competitive sports: loss and defeat. Defeat is painful because we do not enter into competitive games to be defeated, although defeat is a strong possible outcome of the game, especially among more or less equal contestants. If losing a game is an existential condition that lies ahead of every athlete and team, even the best ones, why is defeat difficult to accept, especially in modern times in contrast to ancient times? I will explore recent studies and ideas on sacrifice, especially those of Bataille, and discuss Heidegger’s notion of being-toward-death within the context of defeat in sports. Every defeat presupposes a form of sacrifice, understood in the loose sense, and every sacrifice presupposes a certain disposition toward death. Not only is defeat an inevitable condition in sport-making, but it is intrinsically linked to regimes of victory. Nietzsche acknowledges this intrinsic connection between defeat and victory. I will detour into this area to show that Nietzsche’s agonistics does not dismiss the necessity of loss, defeat, sacrifice, and death in competition; on the contrary, and this may not be obvious to modern readers, he sees them as necessary in the practices of self-transformation toward higher goals and states.  相似文献   

This review is based on the BASES position stand on “Genetic Research and Testing in Sport and Exercise Science”. Our aims are first to introduce the reader to research in sport and exercise genetics and then to highlight ethical problems arising from such research and its applications. Sport and exercise genetics research in the form of transgenic animal and human association studies has contributed significantly to our understanding of exercise physiology and there is potential for major new discoveries. Researchers starting out in this field will have to ensure an appropriate study design to avoid, for example, statistically underpowered studies. Ethical concerns arise more from the applications of genetic research than from the research itself, which is assessed by ethical committees. Possible applications of genetic research are genetic performance tests or genetic tests to screen, for example, for increased risk of sudden death during sport. The concerns are that genetic performance testing could be performed on embryos and could be used to select embryos for transplantation or abortion. Screening for risk of sudden death may reduce deaths during sporting events but those that receive a positive diagnosis may suffer severe psychological consequences. Equally, it will be almost impossible to keep a positive diagnosis confidential if the individual tested is an elite athlete.  相似文献   
死缓制度是我国的独创,它的理论基础是辩证的哲学理论和慎杀、少杀甚至不杀、防止错杀的刑事政策和刑罚观念.其有利于维护法制的统一和尊严,发展和丰富刑事法学理论,构建社会主义和谐社会和提升中国的国际地位.  相似文献   
日本是一个岛国,对于生死的看法有其独特之处。特别是自从佛教传入日本之后,它所宣扬的"无常观"、"生死一如"等思想对日本人生死观的形成及变容产生了不可替代的作用。本文从佛教的葬礼、日本人生死观中的佛教色彩及日本文学作品中的生死观三个方面阐述了佛教对日本人生死观的具体渗透及重要影响。  相似文献   
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